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MedEgg: Empowering Children for Their Surgeries

backpack with background2-min.png


Create a product that improves the experience of a child who must undergo surgery

Children have little control or understanding in the surgery process, leading to lots of fear


3 months, 2023

Group Members: Lily Liang, Valerie Ng, Meredith Renaud
Personal Contribution: 
User Research | Prototyping & Modeling | Video Editing

Anesthesia Mask-min.png

MedEgg: Overview

MedEgg is a kit for children containing common medical equipment that interacts with an egg that hatches in the hospital. The steps of caring for the egg are done at home and help educate and normalize scary medical equipment before the child's surgery.

Product Video

The Child's Journey


Hospital: Before Surgery

At the initial doctor's visit where the surgery is planned, the child is directed to pick out a MedEgg kit to take home with them in order to learn about their surgery.


At Home: Play and Learning

Between the initial appointment and day of surgery, the child cares for the baby dragon egg using medical equipment. Each medical item interacts in a fun an engaging way with the egg. In the process of play, the child learns about parts of surgery through both the medical equipment and the educational cards.


Hospital: Day of Surgery

The child has positive anticipation for the day of their surgery knowing it's also the day their dragon friend hatches. In the pre-op room, the child places the egg a special hatching base. When the egg hatches, it reveals a stuffed dragon which the child can keep with them for comfort through their time in the hospital.

Inside the Kit

turquoise blob 2-min.png
P1120357 1-min.png
P1120354 1-min.png
equip close2-min.png
equp close1-min.png
card renders copy 1-min.png
P1120405 copy final  2-min.png
equip close3-min.png

Interactive Egg


Informational Cards

IV Drip

Anesthesia Mask


Interactions: 3 Engaging & Educational Interactions

Group 40285-min.png




IV Drip

Normalizes needles — something children are traditionally frightened of at the hospital





Allows children to monitor the health of their baby dragon and feel connected to it by listening to their heartbeat




Anesthesia Mask

Teaches the children about the effects of anesthesia in a positive light — helping the baby dragon to fall asleep


Sound: the child can hear the baby dragon “react” to each interaction, helping the child learn that each piece of medical equipment helps the baby dragon

Light: the eggs glows and pulses in unique pattern depending on the piece of medical equipment interacting with it


IV Drip




Anesthesia Mask

Educational Cards

Educates the children through storyboards, and facilitates the free play of the kit with information.

*Cards by Valerie Ng

Augmented Reality (AR) App*

Group 10-min.png

Builds bond between child and dragon and shows the child how the treatments affect the dragon. Also includes more in-depth education on the surgery.

*Part of concept but not pursued in the scope of this project


Research: A Child's Emotions Surrounding Surgery

The child doesn't understand what will happen at the hospital or why

Loss of Control
The child feels they don't have a say in what happens to their body

The child feels pressure to "just get through it"

These emotions lead to fear

A Child's Journey to Surgery



Initial Dr. Appt.

Specialized Consultant

Wait for Surgery Date





Fear & Anticipation

Target Pain Point: Fear while waiting for surgery date

Pain & Confusion

Child-Life Therapist Perspective

"We see a huge increase in positive coping when there is an increase in education"

Ashely McGee, Child-Life Therapist

"Play is how children communicate, understand their surroundings, and express themselves"

Ms. Martin, Child-Life Therapist

Medical Play

Allows the child to learn about their surgery and equipment involved while having fun. 

Normalize Scary Medical Equipment

Learn While Playing

Role-Play as a Doctor

Project Objective

To better prepare children ages 5-7 for their surgeries through medical play and education.


  • In our research we discovered that education is the most important type of preparation prior to surgery in alleviating stressors on the child

  • Education is highly flexible, allowing both low or high-tech engagement for children

  • The goals of education: to reduce fear, reduce anxiety, reduce pain, empower, and bring joy to children otherwise anxious about their upcoming surgeries

Ideation: Making Education Child-Friendly

*by Lily Liang

From Medical to Magical

Heal the dragon with a mystical, magical interaction!

A baby dragon needs your help to hatch!

Prototyping: Bringing the Egg to Life

Interactive Pieces

Prototyping equipment interactions with the egg using optical fiber to allow the egg to light up differently in response to each item.

Heart Animation-min.gif
Mask Animation-min.gif
IV Animation-min.gif

Testing: Education & Engagement

Participants are encouraged to play with the equipment and speak their thoughts aloud. Afterwards they answer questions about their experience

Group 1:
Instructional cards with words

Group 2:
Instructional cards without words

Testing person2-min.png
Testing person1-min.png


Users wanted more feedback from the egg (sound, colors, etc.)


"Interactions were too similar"

Higher ratings by Group 1 (cards with words) than Group 2 (cards without words) -- on a scale of 5


Information helped, but "find a less text-heavy way of showing it"

first card-min.png


More feedback and diversity of feedback:

  • Different color lights for each piece of equipment

  • Patterns for each piece of equipment to match the item

  • Sound interactions

  • Pulsating light patterns

Storyboard on back of cards to educate without being text-heavy

Group 40274-min.png

Creating MedEgg: Developing the Egg

Developing the Medical Equipment & Box

Creating the Backpack

Larger MedEgg logo-min.png

Empower, educate, & encourage children for their surgeries

Product In Use

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